What the hell is ED Hill doing on the View? OK, I know she's filling the blond seat in Hasselbeck's absence. Well, for what it's worth, she's probably the smartest host, guest or otherwise, the show has had in a while.
The World's Most Gorgeous Newswomen: Rants, Raves, Cheers, Jeers (And Occasionally Damning With Faint Praise)
Maybe ED is trying out for Hasselback's job. Rumors have Hasselback splitting to go to Fox News (to do what, I don't know). I can't say that I agree with your assessment of ED as smart. I've always thought she was a bit of a dunce myself. Nice legs, but I've never suffered at all from watching her with the sound turned completely off.
True, but I mean only in comparison to the regular hostesses, who are no geniuses either.
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